Cum as you are

Authenticity is raw, energizing, and sexy as fuck.

Here’s the scene: You are warming up to a passionate moment, thoughts of laundry, zoom meetings, and worrying about the where-abouts of your tummy have passed. Authenticity is raw, energizing, and sexy as fuck.

You Are Feeling It. 

You’re moments away from the thralls of passion, when suddenly “FUCKKK” you are yanked back into your head and your insecurities have taken over. 

Are these the right moans? If I tilt my head this way, will I show my good side and obscure my double chin?! 

And is this the arch? Shit, don’t pull your back out! Hello breasts can you please stand at attention just this once? If you could just get this right you will be the image of desire and sexual pleasure. 

Sound familiar? Sound exhausting? 

If you think there is some idealistic goal to live up, you are not alone. But let’s look at some fun and freeing work to unlock your flow. 

Whatever your personal experiences are, take some time to think about what keeps you from true intimacy and vulnerability. Ask yourself: What is the story I tell about my sexuality and sensuality? 

But first a quickie vocab lesson: 

  • Sexuality encompasses physical intimacy, thinking more about your feelings on intercourse, play, touch as well as your own idea of self love, body image, and your formed thoughts about what love really is. 

  • Sensuality on the other hand is more how your body perceives and feels these pleasures.

Sensuality and sexuality are pieces of a whole, these parts feed each other and evolve together as well. 

How does sexuality and sensuality play out in your body and mind? What is your story? Is your worthiness in question? 

Do you have a trauma that stops you from really letting go? Are you afraid of what you can do and be? 

Taking this moment to check your beliefs can help you make a conscious decision to revamp your story if needed. And by making time in your head and body you can cultivate and direct both sexual and sensual energies to build a home for wild indulgence. 

Staying present in passion, being raw and authentically you, can give way to a full ride on the waves of desire — which is sexy as hell, because your story and turn on are uniquely yours. 

This work, to maintain a command over your sexuality and sensuality will take practice! But the reward of truly understanding your history with sexuality and sensuality is the opportunity to make new, fully-informed, choices to rewrite your future. 

Want to go deeper….check out our upcoming workshop: Ignited… Journey to Radiance Through Sensual Pleasure.


Ignited...Journey to Radiance Through Sensual Pleasure

Feb 13 & 20th

How does sexuality and sensuality play out in your body and mind? What is your story? Is your worthiness in question?

Do you have a trauma that stops you from really letting go? Are you afraid of what you can do and be?

Want to go deeper?

In this two-day, virtual workshop we will build a practice to help you stay present in passion, take command over your sexuality and help cultivate and direct your sexual and sensual energies to build a home for wild indulgence.

Class participation is limited to 10. Course kits contain a personal mirror, organic CBD lube, crystals, a candle, and tea.

Registration cost includes all materials, kits, shipping and 2-day course participation. Zoom link sent in advance.